Welcome to Multiple Myeloma Ireland

Helping Improve Diagnosis & Improve Lives

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Multiple Myeloma Ireland is the only charitable organisation in Ireland focused exclusively on supporting patients, families and carers with Multiple Myeloma and related conditions. Multiple Myeloma Ireland is also a member of Myeloma Patients Europe (MPE), the umbrella organisation of multiple myeloma and AL amyloidosis patient groups and associations from across Europe.

Although myeloma is the second most common form of blood cancer, it only represents 1% of cancers. On average 384 patients in Ireland are diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma each year – based on the most recent figures published by the National Cancer  Register.  Many people have never heard of myeloma, so being given a diagnosis of myeloma can be quite alarming. You and your family may have a lot of questions about myeloma: how it may affect you, what treatments you may have, and how much or how little will change in what you are able to do.  Information plays an important role in helping come to terms with a myeloma diagnosis and understanding options around treatment, care and living well with myeloma.

As a voluntary organisation we do everything we can to help patients, and their support network, to get a better understanding of their disease, and to ensure all patients get access to the best possible information, support, care, and treatment. Raising awareness about Multiple Myeloma and related conditions is core to what we do, and it is a strategic imperative for our organisation.

We don’t just provide resources and support for patients, but also for healthcare professionals – offering grants to support research to develop new treatments and improvements in clinical practice.

From diagnosis through to common complications, Multiple Myeloma Ireland is here to help you find all the information you need to help you better understand myeloma and related conditions.

As part of our fundraising and awareness campaign this year we are delighted to be able to share with you details of our new type of event that we hope will be inclusive. We are inviting patients, family, friends and communities to  get together setting their own goals to promote exercise and activity, raising awareness and funds and spreading the message of living well with Myeloma.

The event is run over the month of September  – Blood Cancer Awareness month  – finishing up with meet up day for all involved on Sunday Sept 29th leaving from Tullamore Hospital.

Latest News

Miles For Myeloma

A Big Thanks 

Miles For Myeloma

September 1st – September 30th 2024

A Big Thank You to all the participants in this years Miles for Myeloma. Together you helped raise over  €150K across events nationwide. Your efforts help raise vital funds for myeloma and help connect Patients and families – Being active is part of our journey.

#inspirehope  #makeadifference

2024 Patient & Family Information Day

2024 Patient & Family Information Day

Friday 24th May in the Rochestown Park Hotel, Co Cork

MMI hosted a very successful Patient and Family day on Friday May 24th in Cork. 

Over 120 attendees heard talks from various health practitioners and specialists in the area of Multiple Myeloma and Al Amyloidosis.

It was and informative and uplifting day. Many thanks to all who participated.

Videos of the talks will be available on this website shortly.

Mary Kelly – 2024 MMI Patient and Family Day 

Recent Events

2024 Vhi Women’s Mini Marathon

The 2024 Vhi Women’s Mini Marathon took place Sunday 2nd June 2024.

We had 100 women, patients, caregivers, friends and family who all took part to raise awareness and funds about Multiple Myeloma and Al Amyloidosis.

Well done and a big ‘thank you’ to everyone who took part.

We had a great day! Over €31,000 was raised!

Wimbledon Party – Nass Lawn Tennis Club

Many thanks to members of Naas Lawn Tennis Club for hosting and taking part in a Wimbledon Party on Sat 13th July 2024. The event was a fantastic success, the sun was shining and participants enjoyed four rounds of Padel or Tennis followed by a barbeque, a glass of Pimms, and in true Wimbledon fashion some strawberries and cream. The atmosphere was fantastic and importantly a huge amount of awareness was raised for Multiple Myeloma.  €2920 was raised for the charity and for this we at MMI are extremely grateful.

AL amyloidosis updates

Myeloma Patients Europe ( MPE) hosted a webinar to summarise the most important myeloma and AL amyloidosis updates presented at the 65th American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting. The webinar took place on Wednesday, 17 January and was given by Dr. Faith Davies, Director of the Clinical Myeloma Programme at NYU Langone Health Perlmutter Cancer Center, New York, United States.

A  recording of the webinar is available at   https://www.mpeurope.org/what-we-do/publications/webinars-2/

European Young Myeloma Patients Group

Myeloma Patients Europe is  excited to announce the launch of Europe’s first-ever Young Myeloma Patients Group.

All myeloma patients living in Europe and are of age 55 and below are welcome to join the group.

To know more and register, click the link below

European Young Myeloma Patients Group – Myeloma Patients Europe (mpeurope.org)



Myloma In Ireland – Booklet

This booklet was written by 2 RCSI student researchers, Niamh McAuley and Izabela Drozdz (pictured) in collaboration with a panel of MM patients, patient advocates, researchers and clinicians. The panel thank Breakthrough Cancer Research www.breakthroughcancerresearch.ie and The Health Research Board www.hrb.ie for funding its production through Health Research Charities Ireland www.hrci.ie grant.

Patient Recruitment

We Want You

You are invited to take part in an online survey