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MMI Infographics

Myeloma Patients Europe Infographics


Myeloma Patients Europe have provided infographics to help educate and inform patients and carers about myeloma.

Please feel free to share them with members, patients, and carers in your network or on social media pages or website.

Myeloma Patients Europe Website: https://www.mpeurope.org/year-of-action-on-myeloma-and-al-amyloidos-diagnosis/yoa-infographics/

There is other relevant material available on MPE website too – Fact sheets, Educational Clips, Webinars etc.

Please share these resources widely and help us improve diagnosis and improve lives.

Please click the relavent links below 

Multiple Myeloma Ireland is a member of this European umbrella group


MPE has developed a series of factsheets for patients and patient advocates, covering the main issues regarding treatment updates.

Educational clips

MPE has developed a series of Education Clips for patients and patient advocates, covering the main issues regarding treatment updates. 


MPE has developed a series of Webinars for patients and patient advocates, covering the main issues regarding treatment updates. 

Multiple Myeloma & Exercise


In October 2021, Matthew O’Brien, Physiotherapist at University Hospital Limerick gave a talk to the Mid.West Multiple Myeloma Support Support Group on Multiple Myeloma and exercise. 

Below are some resources of his presentation